We got by with a little help from our friends!

There was one thing we needed a lot of to build Kilsby's new 'slipper' in 2021 - STEEL!

We were thrilled to have the support of Oxford's very own Lucy Group in this matter.

There was one thing that stood in the way of us getting a delivery of steel from Lucy Group to Tooley's boatyard in Banbury - Castle Quay Shopping Centre!

Tooley's historic dry dock (working continuously since 1778), has been somewhat enveloped by the modern world around it, making big industrial deliveries a challenge to say the least! Thankfully we had Barrie and Bill from Lucy Group, and they had a plan. And they had Neil, and an enormous fork lift truck.

Navigating a busy bus depot, a narrow pedestrian walkway around the back of the shopping centre, and the big drop onto the dry dock floor with smiles on their faces, Barrie, Bill and Neil got the job done and we were delighted to see the arrival of the steel that would safeguard the future of narrowboat Kilsby.

Click on the link below to watch a lovely little film from behind the scenes on the (VERY EARLY) morning the steel was delivered to the dry dock......

A huge thank you goes to Lucy Group for providing the steel for Kilsby's new hull!